Ready to crush your fitness goals?
Now is the perfect time to join Plus Fitness North Ipswich because there's NO JOINING FEE!
At Plus Fitness North Ipswich, we offer;
Now is the perfect time to recharge your life and join the plus side!
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Monday - Thursday
9am - 1pm & 2pm - 6pm
9am - 12pm
Plus Fitness North Ipswich services the fitness needs of all members in the suburbs of Brassall, Chuwar, East Ipswich, Ipswich, Muirlea, Tivoli, Woodend, Basin Pocket, Booval, Bundamba, Coalfalls, Eastern Heights, Raceview, North Ipswich, Ripley, Churchill, One Mile, Leichhardt, Blackstone, Moores Pocket and Wulkuraka. Let us help you achieve your fitness goals.